Areas of Practice


Our firm provides legal advice in the area of relations and conflicts that may arise between those governed and the different public administrations in the diverse fields that make up Administrative Law.

The customers of Bufetes Asociados Palza Fernandez are individuals and / or corporations, domestic and / or foreign and multinational groups that require advice and representation in administrative procedures.

Our added value is that we are highly skilled and work as a team, ensuring that the focus of the case has been considered in all disciplines, we have sound experience in the field of counseling and defense before public administration, as well as in the application of administrative law.

We offer the following services: Authorizations, Licenses and Concessions, Administrative resources and administrative contentious, Admistrative Contracts.

Bufetes Asociados Palza Fernandez provides professional advice on all subjects that affect an enterprise in the aeronautic sector: purchasing operations, sale, leasing (financial or operative), as well as in all types of administrative, commercial and regulatory matters, such as the incorporation of airline companies and the procedures and obtention of operations permits, whether these are for regular of irregular transport.

Furthermore, we provide advice in air disasters, claims derived from the air transportation of merchandise and passengers, in the field of insurance and aeronautic reinsurance, as well as in arbitration proceedings.

Our law firm has provided advice to Bolivian and international airlines in their relations with the Aeronautics Administration.

The firm’s attorneys specialized in Aeronautics Law participated in the negotiation of various bilateral agreements signed by Bolivia and third countries, the same that at the present time are part of International Aviation norms, represented Bolivia in international organizations, such as the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), and exercised Regionally the Executive Secretariat of the Andean Airlines Association (AALA) that make up the flagship airlines of Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, Chile and Bolivia. Our specialized lawyers are members of the Latin American Association of Special Aeronautics Law, with headquarters in the Republic of Argentina, which confers our law firm leadership in this discipline.

Arbitration, as an alternative means for controversial solutions, is an option for the increasing use of economic operators, to solve their disputes. It is highly recommended, in complex cases, by the sector or subject that is being addressed, which requires high specialization of arbitrators and attorneys.

Bufetes Asociados Palza Fernandez is a law firm with extensive experience in the practice of arbitration, with specialized training, qualified to work in alternative national and international conflict resolution methods.

Prior to analyzing, we believe in a consultative approach in each case, whether to opt for arbitration in contracts, after considering the advantages that may result from any disputes submitted thereto.

The members of our Law firm are present, most notably in the major arbitration forums.

Our professionals are or have been in the most prestigious national arbitral institutions, among these: the Centre for Commercial Conciliation and Arbitration of the Chamber of Commerce of Bolivia (CAC), the Center for Conciliation and Arbitration Bar Association of La Paz and in the Chamber of Commerce of Santa Cruz de la Sierra (CAINCO).

Since its foundation Bufetes Asociados Palza Fernandez provides advice for the incorporation of companies, registration of foreign branches of enterprises, mergers and purchases, transformations, modifications and writing/drafting by-laws, reorganization and the subscription of joint venture companies.

Our Law firm participates in major and more complex operations in this specialized area, corporate conflicts and responsibility of administrators.

We perform due diligence, business and family and/or partnership counseling and / or corporate or foreign procedures and drafting agreements between companies, etc.

In insurance, Bufetes Asociados Palza Fernandez has experienced and professional experts through providing advice to prestigious insurance companies in Bolivia, as well as with reinsurance abroad.

Bufetes Asociados Palza Fernandez provides advice in all the areas of Private Law currently these do not constitute a specific discipline.

Given that Private Law is the basis of our legal system, this department supports the other disciplines, as needed, considering that frequently private law provides redress, channels and solutions that have not been provided for in the laws of more specific subject matters.

We provide clients with the advice and services in the matters of Private Law, especially in the area of Contracts, Corporate Social Responsibility and Family and Inheritance Law.

Our Law firm has participated in the drafting and negotiation of all types of civil contracts, as well as advising contracting parties as to their selection, according to their legal status, their terms and conditions. We also have extensive experience in the analysis and interpretation of such contracts, issuing legal opinions on the scope and validity. Our services include advice on corporate social responsibility, enforcement, civil contracts and counseling in family and succession procedures.

The Constitution of the Plurinational State of Bolivia determines that the natural resources, in whatever condition, are of strategic nature and public interest for the development of the country. For the reasons mentioned above, the State assumes the control and direction of the exploration, exploitation, processing, transportation and marketing through YPFB (the State Petroleum Company of Bolivia), and the Mining Corporation of Bolivia (COMIBOL), cooperatives or community associations, which may contract private companies and incorporate mixed-economy private companies.

Bufetes Asociados Palza Fernandez has extensive knowledge in the field of Oil and Gas, as well as in Mining, by virtue of which our professionals have exercised these disciplines of Law since the foundation of the Law firm, having advised oil and mining companies in the exploration, exploitation and transportation of hydrocarbons.

Bufetes Asociados Palza Fernandez is a law firm specializing in Intellectual Property matters. Since its establishment in 1975, it has been providing our national and international clients with comprehensive legal services in all areas related to Intellectual and Industrial Property. It provides support and assistance to our clients for the protection and security of their intangible rights by preventing their misuse, imitation or the copying their Industrial or Intellectual rights. It defends their corporate image from unfair competition by third parties.

The excellence, dedication and commitment to service, which has characterized our law firm, has made Bufetes Asociados Palza Fernandez one of the most prominent Intellectual Property law firms in Bolivia.

Our law firm has a professional team with wide experience and knowledge in the area, allowing us to offer customized service tailored to the needs of our clients in a increasingly globalized world, maintaining correspondence with foreign law firms around the world. This enables the provision of global support for the protection of our client’s Intellectual Property rights, according to their particular need.

We offer the following services:

  • Trademarks
  • Patents
  • Copyrights
  • Official searches
  • Renewals of registrations
  • Industrial Designs
  • Utility Models
  • License contracts
  • Assignments
  • Mergers
  • Change of ownership
  • Change of address
  • Misuse
  • Unfair competition
  • Domain names
  • Sanitary registrations



Calle Reyes Ortiz Nº 73
Edif. Gundlach, Torre Oeste
Piso 4 of. 403
P.O. Box: 1689
La Paz - Bolivia

Tel: (591) 2 2901182
Tel: (591) 2 2901181
Fax: (591) 2 2900036